Worship Ministries
Worship Ministries are those that make up the different positions within a service. There is a role for everyone at Christ Church!
Worship Leaders
Lay people assist in church services and conducting services at Wayfarer's Chapel during summer months. Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed lay ministers of the Episcopal Church. Training is necessary.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Receiving communion during our church service is a deeply spiritual experience. Sharing this very special inner peace with our church family members who are unable to attend is important. The Lay Eucharistic Visitors' commission is to take the prayers and loving thoughts of the congregation as we deliver the sacrament of Christ's body and blood.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are licensed lay ministers of the Episcopal Church. Training is necessary. Lay people serve as integral members of the Christ Church family. You will find that even though it is a service of love to those you visit, the rewards of being the "visitor" are extraordinary.
Acolytes Children
4th grade and over - and Adults who help serve at the Altar.
Liturgical Arts Guild
Members of the Liturgical Arts Guild keep the church decorated for the appropriate season in the church year. Members both create decorations and place them.

The Altar Guild
A community of people who prepare the altar and sanctuary for worship. Open to men and women of all ages.
Communion Bread Bakers
Bread bakers supply bread for the Holy Eucharist.
Enhanced Greeters
Ministry of Greeters and Ushers; for Sunday services and special occasions.