Hands and Hearts
"Blankets for Babies began in June 2012, when I received a large donation of baby flannel. Not knowing what to do with it, I created the first 20 blankets and took them to the Park County Public Health nurses. When I arrived, they were overjoyed - they had just found out that their funding had been cut and they would no longer be able to purchase receiving blankets for their home visits for new mothers in Powell and Cody. So, I made them a promise - that I would keep the blankets coming. I have been able to keep that promise, thanks to many talented folks, a few donations, and many hours behind a sewing machine. Let's keep those blankets coming!
In the past 8 years, we have made over 1400 blankets for little ones in our county. Volunteers of all ages donate their time and talent to this amazing project. We survive on donations from generous people like you."
"We have expanded in 2018 to include Freedom Quilts and in 2019 Final Salute Quilts to our original Blankets for Babies."
The Rev. Chris Galagan, Deacon, Christ Church Cody