Fellowship Ministries
The Fellowship Ministry oversees congregational activities and sponsors special events. Its role is to “create fellowship opportunities for a variety of age groups."
Offerings throughout the year include the coffee hour, Ministry Fair, Cookie Extravaganza, Christmas caroling and pizza, Easter brunch, and other offerings.
The Fellowship Ministry also maintains the Fellowship Store, which started in July 2012 with the sale of Christ Church Logo mugs. Items are sold on select Sundays and by request. The store carries mugs, shirts, books written by Christ Church parishioners, and many other items!
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is a Sunday morning fellowship opportunity between services and after the second service in which you can enjoy coffee and snacks together. Offerings vary throughout the year and all are welcome to participate, with the sign up always available in the Parish Hall.
Christ Church Kitchen
The Christ Church Kitchen is fully equipped and diligently maintained by members of the church in order to always meet the needs of fellowship and formation events.​